Arnée Flores is the author of the critically acclaimed middle grade fantasy THE FIREBIRD SONG and its sequel THE SPIRIT QUEEN. She has partnered with ALA, Booklist, SLJ, and Disney as a panelist celebrating diversity and highlighting the importance of creating magical, uplifting stories during times of adversity.
A Vietnamese American, tranracial adoptee, Flores was raised in rural Washington towns by an RN father and a disabled mother. A perpetual student, she has studied everything from piano performance to philosophy.
She currently lives in the Seattle area with her husband, young daughter, and a small white dog called the Professor. When she's not writing, Flores can be found strumming the ukulele, learning languages on Duolingo, or in her kitchen, baking some kind of pie.
She is represented by Sara Crowe at Pippin Properties.
Odds and Ends
How to prounounce Arnée: Arnay, rhymes with hurray!
Favorite Color: Crimson
Favorite Movie: Meet Me in St. Louis
Favorite Food: Popcorn with olive oil and sea salt
Howarts House: Slytherin (Slytherins can be loving and kind, I promise.)
Pets: The Professor (White, scruffy, ten-pound, always ravenous, Coton de Tulear)
Favorite Book: I could never choose! I would feel as if I were betraying all the others.
Fictional place I'd most like to visit: Narnia, of course! I'd like to voyage on the Dawn Treader.
Something everyone should do at least once: Stand in the sea and let the waves bury their feet in the sand.
The best way to start the day: Being nuzzled by The Professor as dewy daylight streams through the open window.
Ultimate Super-power: To be able to make friends with anyone instantly. Anything is possible if you have enough friends.
Favorite Quote: Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. - Mahatma Gandi

(*Starred Events open to the public*)
10/17 Catalyst School
Bremerton, WA
10/19 *Hero's Journey Kids' Writing Workshop*
Wishing Tree Books
Spokane, WA
10/20 Grant Elementary School
Spokane, WA
10/20 *Spirit Queen Launch Event*
Wishing Tree Books
Spokane, WA
10/21 KYRS Radio : The Page Turner
Spokane, WA
10/22 *Spirit Queen Launch Party!*
with/ Kelly Jones
Brick and Mortar Books
Redmond, WA
10/25 *Spirit Queen Launch Event*
Third Place Books Ravenna
Seattle, WA